Friday, June 1, 2012

Washington Post 's Great Article On Monks Versus Louisiana Crony Capitalism

The Washington Post has an excellent article on  St. Joseph Abbey in Louisiana and their Lawsuit against the State of Louisiana relating to their Coffin business. Get Religion reviews it here at When monks get litigious.

The issue here is of course Louisiana law forbids those who are not licensed funeral directors from selling coffins. They got nowhere twice  with the Louisiana Legislature  where needless to say the Funeral Lobby is strong .

As the local State Legislator for the Monks is quoted : “I learned that funeral directors have the last word in life, and in the legislature,”.  

The monks then went  to Federal Court. How this case is resolved might have some interesting implications.

I agree with Get Religion it was nice how they managed in incorporate the lives of the monks into a piece involving a rather important lawsuit.


Rick67 said...

There is a family in the church I serve, whose son-in-law recently started working with the Institute for Justice. I have little sympathy for these sorts of industry protection laws.

James H said...

Yeah I have to admit this is so political its nutts. Buts it not sadly shocking.

Still for how expensive all this is it's a shame the Legislators cannot have some backbone here