Saturday, December 17, 2011

Rick Santorum 's Major Problem

RON PAUL was on Jay Leno. See Ron Paul On Michele Bachmann: “She Hates Muslims” . This part struck me:

Paul also tagged former senator Rick Santorum with the same label. When Leno suggested all Santorum wants to do is “talk about gay people,” Paul added, “and Muslims.”

That Leno remark is telling. The other night during the debate Santorum actually got a economic question which was nice. There is not the former Senator is a social conservative and has strong opinions on gay marraige and abortion. But I suspect he is talking about other things.

Mike Huckabee was a STRONG social conservative. But he also had a strong economic message that people invoked strong reaction no matter if you liked it or not. Huckabee very much fought back against just being the abortion gay marriage morality guy. I can recall one debate when he jabbed at a debate questioner that he was just getting the Baptist Preacher questions. I mean he was a two term Governor for goodness sake. Rick has not been as aggressive as Huckabee in fighting from being put in a box. Therefore it appears to more people than just Leno that Rick is just focused on a couple of things. The sad fact is this is not the reality as one could see if you saw him on the campaign trail. However that is not getting into the news.

If he manages a good showing in Iowa he needs to correct this and quick,

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