Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Should George W Bush Get Major Pro-Life Award?

I think the answer is a resounding YES!! He is one of the most Pro-Life Presidents ever. Some disagree.

I can understand how some people do not like President Bush but I think it is really reaching to say that this has shades of Orwell as this comment so well points out. Let me add he also put Robert George as head of the of the President's Council on Bioethics. A wonderful Council that Obama has basically abolished and put in it's place something with new duties.

One person list why Bush should not get the award which is refuted with common sense here.

Notice on that list of Horrible acts by Bush the fact he championed Immigration Reform twice (One of the top three Catholic Social Justice Issues) and his efforts in Africa is not even mentioned.

There is a lot of talk about the how the pro-life movement should not be in just one party. I agree with that. However the solution to that is not to degrade the pro-life achievements of one party or one man. How is that helpful at all!!! Especially since under the new regime not only do we have one of the most domestic PRO-CHOICE Presidents ever but now the foreign policy of the United States is to make abortion a WORLD WIDE BASIC RIGHT.

From what we have read the Vatican and the Catholic Bishops was very very appreciative of the Bush White House efforts on the Pro-life cause.

So I find the counter arguemen here to be very weak.


Henry Karlson said...

The Vatican is also pleased with many of the things which President Obama would like to do. Some of them affect the dignity of life as well. That does not make him pro-life, just like the few crumbs Bush gave did not make him a champion for life. Yes, we can say "that was a good" but that is different from saying "Bush is pro-life."

James H said...

Henry I just find it hard to see how Bush was not pro-life or not a massive friend to the Pro-Life movement. I mean the evidence just shows otherwise

Yes I agree that Vatican is no doubt pleased with some Obama plans in areas. I am pretty sure it is not pleased with Obama on the pro-life issue or the fact that the United States is now taking a much more aggressive stand on abortion rights world wide.

I am talking about things just in the pro-life realm as t abortion here.

We need more Democrats that have Bush's view on abortion. I would not call Democrat that had those views not pro-life.

I have to think that on the abortion issue there can be wide aggreement in a bi partisan nature that is one area that Bush got very right.

Henry Karlson said...

How can the president who bragged about being the first to federally fund ESCR be "pro life"? This is in the realm of abortion here, and a big change and promotion of it.

Unknown said...

George Bush banned federal funding for embryo destructive research. In doing so he fundamentally changed the national debate and gave time for the science to catch up to the ethics. Henry quotes Bush from a presidentail debate and deliberately misrepresents Bush's meaning. Nice and charitable as per usual.