Monday, January 18, 2010

More Qualified Defenses of Pat Robertson

I have to admit Pat Robertson drives a lot of people up the wall. Including me.

Liberals for obvious reasons. Also a ton of conservatives from all factions have the same reactions to him.

That being said his latest comments were not exactly coming out of left field or out of whole cloth.

MOJ has a good link here at A qualified defense of Pat Robertson


To be clear I am of two minds on the whole concept God punishing nations. I find the ole Lincoln quote for instance on the Civil war to be thought provoking.

Regardless I don't think GOD curses a Nation forever for some alleged pact by a few people

I just thought it was interesting because it does give some historical background to this and that he did not just make all of this up. The fact that Haitians seem to have this on their mind is interesting too.

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