Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Priest Writes Letter to the Editor Defending All Male Priesthood

A very good one I might add. Ten Reasons has the link at Abundant scriptural support.

That same blogger is thankfully in the comment section where the letter is at combatting numerous errors.

The Priest that wrote the letter , and also has a interesting life story, by way is the blogger Bonfire of the Vanities which is a very good blog.


Mary Ellen said...

Thank you for pointing out Vampire of the Vanities, I've really enjoyed looking through some of the posts and will add them to my favorites list.

If I haven't told you before, I just love your blog because I am able to read so many great posts and explore new blogs. Your blog is the gift that keeps on giving. ;-)

James H said...

Thanks so much. Yeah his is blog I need to add to the links. I always have to go googling for it