Friday, June 19, 2009

Senator Boxer- Call Me Senator Darn It!!

I agree with Southern Appeal on this at Sen. Boxer dresses down Brig. Gen. for addressing her as “ma’am”

I can recall some of the faux outrage when President Bush was overheard saying "Yes Sir" to the Pope in their private meeting.

I am big on private titles. But I am also aware in back and forth conversation people often go into their default conversation mode that has it own form of respective titles.


oneal lane said...

I hope this incident can be used against her in the next election, and someone can get beat boxcar barbara in the next election cycle. She has been around too long. Hope fully "Kalii-fornia" will get a conservative in the senate

James H said...

I have to admit I have never liked Boxer. I tend to find Fienstein at least more competent