Monday, June 23, 2008

Scalia To Write Majority Opinion on D.C. Gun Case?

Reading the tea leaves in the oral arguments in Heller there are strong indications that people that take a more NRA point of view will be pleased

Scotus Blog at Wild Opinion Speculation looks at further tea leaves as to who has been writing what Opinions so far. He he notes in part:

There is very little information that can be gleaned with confidence about the authorship of the remaining opinions from the Term.
It does look exceptionally likely that Justice Scalia is writing the principal opinion for the Court in Heller – the D.C. guns case. That is the only opinion remaining from the sitting and he is the only member of the Court not to have written a majority opinion from the sitting. There is no indication that he lost a majority from March. His only dissent from the sitting is for two Justices in Indiana v. Edwards. So, that’s a good sign for advocates of a strong individual rights conception of the Second Amendment and a bad sign for D.C.......

I still think it is likely Kennedy would write it but this is intriguing

Tip of the Hat to Southern Appeal

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