Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Catholic Diocese of Tulsa- Where Things Are Going Right

Tip of the hat to for this. Truly amazing. Bishop Edward J. Slattery of the Diocese of Tulsa, Oklahoma speaks to his flock in this amazing overview of the health of his Diocese. He starts out by saying:

Assessments aren’t audits
As a living organism, the Diocese must be assessed not at the level of measurable material things, but at the level of spiritual health, that is, the level of our ever growing intimacy with Jesus Christ
Read on and then ask why not in your Diocese? Is it a shock that this Diocese is labeled one of the most Vocation Rich in the United States?

We often just here about the bad. However it is frustrating that success is not getting the headlines. It is a constant theme of mine but Catholics in other Diocese must be aware of these success stories (it is amazing what a little Orthodoxy will do and how it ipens the window for the Holy Spirit) so we Catholics in the pews can ask tough questions of our own in our respective Diocese.

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