Sunday, December 16, 2007

So I heard The Governor -Elect Yesterday

My cousin graduated from the University of Louisiana- Monroe yesterday. She is pretty cool. She is one of these people that has nice looks, well traveled, graduated High School a year early, and graduated College in three years despite being in a hard major and being involved in everything. She wants to go to Med School. Sigh!!

Anyway my day was taken up by that. Huge graduation for winter. Anyway Governor Elect Bobby Jindal gave the Speech. It was really really good. I am also struck how he can deliver a speech. Anyway I am willing to bet this is the same speech he gives at various events like(Bobby gives 7 pieces of advice to graduates) so if he is the Graduation speaker you will enjoy it.

Jindal in his speech made said to live life to the fullest because you never know when it will end. He made reference to the tragic shooting on the LSU campus this past Friday. BY the google news LSU. IF you you do that you see that this is big news in the India papers. Which is not so great sadly.

HE also made reference to one the most bizarre things I have ever heard. This also occurred on Friday. On Friday afternoon about 30 miles outside Monroe a huge Gas Pipeline exploded RIGHT BY THE INTERSTATE. Two people just minding their own business driving down the interstate were killed. They had to shut Interstate 20 both East and West down. What a mess. This reminds me of a event when I was a small kid. My grandparents when they were farming in Louisiana lives about a mile from the Mississippi River. I was staying over there and my Grandfather gets me and says we are going flying!!! Well that was pretty exciting. HE had a Cessna at that time. Anyway he takes me up and we go over the River. Right in the middle of the river a huge Fountain of Flame was coming up out of the river and shooting high into the sky. What that happen to be was also a Natural Gas Pipeline but in this case had exploded under the river. It was very odd. Don't ask me how they repair such a thing or even how we can build a Pipeline under the Mississippi River.

1 comment:

William Eunice said...

Friends don't let friends graduate from ULM ... :)