Monday, October 22, 2007

Michael Yon offers to help the press find Iraq(War On Terror Update)

I know that Americans of good faith disagree on Iraq. I know that Catholics do too. However I am getting to the point to where it is frustrating trying to have conversations on this topic with people when their information is a over year out of date.

I have pretty much given up talking with the "get us out of Iraq now" Catholic crowd. You will often note they are singing the same tune of "Bush is bad" and "Illegal occupation" and other sound bites. But one cannot help but notice their posts have largely been void of actual news. I think there is a reason for that. The NEWS is good and horrors perhaps Bush was not a moron and immoral.

Michael Yon is one of the best journalist over in Iraq. He is no cheerleader for the Bush administration either. He has been a critic at times. Being a critic is good and needed. People need constructive criticism. That is differs from crticism that is just a subterfuge for other political goals and ambitions.

The Anchoress has a MUST READ post Michael Yon offers to help the press find Iraq. She also has other links. basically Yon is saying there is a crime in Iraq and that is the media's non reporting of the significant good news and progress. If Christians are going to go around and try to make a informed judgment on what we should do in IRAQ then they need to be informed.

Also check out Aj's post
Newsweek Declares Iraq Unsafe For al-Qaeda, Iraqis See War Deaths Drop Nearly 100%

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