Thursday, May 27, 2010

Newsweek's Article On the Mean Ole Vatican Attack On American Nuns

Goodness is Lisa Miller the worst religious reporter in the nation? I think she is in the running. See

Female Troubles
At a time when the Catholic Church most needs women, it has launched a frontal attack on its nuns.

Oh boy you can see by the title we are getting off to a bad start here. As usual Newsweek does a bad job of informing. Oh and please note the picture they are using . I highly suspect those tupe of NUNS are not under attack and in fact welcome this.

I think many Catholics know why this is happening. Some of the theology that these folks have been doing and giving to our children is WAY WAY WAY out there. It is heretical.

She also leaves out a huge fact. Many of these orders are DYING. While the more orthodox orders are going gangbusters. The Vatican in a sense is having to do a emergency intervention to save these orders from themselves.

As a Catholic I have certain rights. One of those rights is to have the faith presented in a truthful matter. This is what this is about.


Andy said...

There is definitely some bizarre interpretations of data.

"Less than 4 percent of American Catholic women have ever “seriously” considered becoming a nun, according to 2008 data by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, compared with 9 percent in 2003. And those numbers have been in decline since Vatican II. It’s no wonder, really. When men have all the power, and they “investigate” women who seem to disrespect their authority, why not become a doctor, or a lawyer, or a stay-at-home mom, and submit to God without the authoritarian meddling?"

First, the study she references actually says 84% never considered a religious life in 2003, while 85% never considered a religious life in 2009. Not a huge change.

Second, "And those numbers have been in decline since Vatican II." Ok, what does that tell you? Maybe something about the post V2 liberalization of the Church? No? She instead blames it on "men have all the power." I guess men did not have "all the power" pre-V2?

She has different pieces of information but her logic is lacking on how to put those pieces together.

Andy said...

To continue my thought. It's tough comparing 2003 and 2008 numbers for this type of subject. If the question was "how patriotic are you?" in 2003, the answer would likely be much higher due to the wake of 9/11. Likewise, the sentiment on devoting you life to God was also much higher due to the large scale understanding of how temporary and fleeting this life is. I suspect the numbers from 1998 vs. 2008 would be much similar, or even more positive for vocations than a 2003 vs. 2008 comparison.

James H said...

You are right and I did not catch that. That is good analysis.

Yes I suspect the later numbers are better. It is all bizaree her article

Pro Ecclesia said...

I notice that the photo accompanying Miller's pathetic rant is of nuns in habits. Nice sleight of hand by Newsweak [sic]. It's not the nuns in habit that are the problem, but Newsweak [sic] would like to blur the lines and create the impression that even faithful women religious are under attack from the mean 'ol sexist out-of-touch perverts at the Vatican.