Monday, April 26, 2010

California Episcopal Bishop Gives New Scripture Justification For Gay Marraige


I don't see there and I suspect even advocates of gay marriage do not see it all either.

The TEC needs to be honest with what is their most up front justification.

The Lord our God has picked the TEC to be as they describe themselves as the Prophetic voice to the world on this.

Now that is problematic. In a sense you are taking on powers that the Bishop of Rome and all the Bishops united with him would NEVER DREAM OF HAVING. You are in a sense advocating for a teaching power and binding authority of the Church that has been given that is unheard of.

So sorry the Church, Scripture, the Church Fathers, and in fact the entire Christian Community has been in opposition to GOD himself on this matter for 1950 years!!. In fact not only is gay Marraige ok but to oppose it is a sin and a social injustice that screams to Heaven itself to be correct

In fact it sort of Latter Day Saints Like. Oh sorry the President of the Saints had a revelation and now polygamy is to be outlawed and decalred wrong . Of course it is acceptable in some corners to go HA HA to Mormons when they say this but for some reason the TEC is getting away with it.

However in effect is that not really what the TEC is doing. So if that is going to be the logic they need to start working on the apologetics , theology, and scripture behind it.