Thursday, December 24, 2009

Why Mickey Kaus Might Have The Best New Year Ever!!!

I like Democrat pundit Mickey Kaus at Slate. Even though we have been on opposite sides at times on many issues. He speaks truth to power as it were including the media.

Kaus supports the Health Care Bill and it is a big deal to him. Please note he is honest and does not buy all this deficit reducing spin. See his latest Health Care: The CBO's Alternate Universe.

However Mickey hates other things a lot of democrats like. Such as unions and immigration reform (which he calls Amnesty).

Kaus might get the best of all worlds. Obama and the democrats if successful will have expounded a ton of poilitical capital( also the case if they lose on this bill) on the health care bill. That makes something like card check more unlikely to pass. Also it makes it unlikely that the Obama adminsitration will do any serious effort this year to really pass immigration reform. 2010 comes and we have a "correction" in the House and Senate with more GOP seats. Thus making these two events even harder to happen.

WIN WIN for KAUS. No wonder is urging full steam ahead!! He might get his heath bill and pretty much doom these other things all at the same time.

I wonder at what point Latino leaders and others that supported immigration reform realized they got snookered. If we had President McCain he would have likely moved already somewhat on this path.


Brittanicus said...

Either a House or Senate bill, that releases millions of foreign workers into our country, will devastate the public safety net. As it is now--California--a SANCTUARY STATE--is under constant bombardment to support uncounted numbers of foreign invaders on the health care, education and penal system. America's largest population of illegal immigrants, California bears a huge cost to provide basic human services for this fast growing, illegal low-income segment of its population. A new study from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) examines the costs of education, health care and incarceration of illegal aliens, and concludes that the costs to Californians is $10.5 billion annually. California voters rebelled and overwhelmingly passed Proposition 187, which sought to limit liability for mass illegal immigration. Since then, state and local governments have blatantly ignored the wishes of the voters and continued to pay out publicly financed benefits on illegal families. Prop 187 was brought before Judge Mariana Pfaelzer, who in November 1997 found the law to be unconstitutional. Governor Wilson appealed the ruling, which brought the case to the federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. (who are extremist Liberals)

In 1999, newly elected Democratic Governor Gray Davis had the case brought before mediation, and then intentionally dropped the appeals process before the courts, effectively killing the law so it--NEVER--reached the Supreme Court. Dan Stein, President of FAIR stated, "California's addiction to 'cheap' illegal alien labor is bankrupting the state and posing enormous burdens on the state's SHRINKING MIDDLE CLASS TAX BASE," he added "Most Californians, who have seen their taxes increase while public services deteriorate, already know the impact that mass illegal immigration is having on their communities, but even they may be shocked when they learn just how much of a drain illegal immigration has become. After these fiscal numbers were released, there seem to be an intentional reluctance to offer costs for both legal and illegal immigrant cost to the US taxpayer. The latest news now is the border state of Arizona, is in dire straights financially and also heading towards bankruptcy. Arizona is being dragged down into the financial abyss, just like it's adjoining state of California because of illegal immigration. This will be the demise of many other states, if the politicians don't start accommodating US citizens and those who came through legal channels. Sen. Harry Reid Nevada is very close to both California and Arizona in a monetary meltdown, because during the construction boom, American workers were replaced by countless numbers of foreign labor in the name of larger profits for unscrupulous contractors/subcontractors.

"This is owing to a Sacramento Liberal Assembly, which has edged the state to near bankruptcy. Only by the interruption of multi-millions of American citizens, legal residents and congregations of anti-illegal immigration groups will America prevail. Here is the Capitol switchboard number to call 202-224-3121 because your vote is needed to stop any AMNESTY. The last 1986 Immigration bill was never aggressively enforced, that is why millions of illegal immigrants roam freely throughout America? The blame can be placed upon previous administrations as they have always been in collusion with the business, including Wall Street that is the real mechanism that governs our country? That is--WHY--we are taxed to subsidize--CORPORATE WELFARE--with incredulous numbers of lowly paid illegal wages and no benefits. THIS IS ALL ABOUT CORPORATE GREED and the complete indifference to the AMERICAN WORKERS SURVIVAL AND AN OVERPOPULATION FUTURE.

Brittanicus said...

In a study from the National Bureau of Economic Research, based on the Census Bureau’s Survey of Income and Program Participation, analyzed the cost of immigrants based on their specific use of (means-tested) welfare entitlements (both direct and indirect), and revealed that the total immigrant receipt of benefits in--1996--came to $180 billion. THAT IS $ ONE HUNDRED & EIGHTY BILLION IN 1996? WHAT ARE THE EXPENDITURES NOW? Today's costs if audited would support some foreign governments treasuries. Obama and his army of pro-illegal worker lobbyist, faith groups, unions, anti-sovereignty Caucuses, to adjoin and undermine our voting system, by organizing huge numbers who will automatically vote in favor of the Democratic party.

The millions of illegal people here would pay small fine of $500.00 dollars, learn English and pass a criminal background check. The law suggested stripping police officers of their federally-sanctioned (287 g) powers that detains individuals for immigration and visa violations, according to The Chicago Tribune. Sen. Harry Reid, Pelosi, Napolitano, Schumer and others know that our only true deterrent E-Verify will be obsolete? This is just for those 20 to 30 million illegal aliens and families who live within this nation borders now. Even more millions will be waiting outside the borders, ready to make the rush for US soil, before the president signs the AMNESTY (CIR ASAP) document. THAT WILL BE THE HIGHEST PINNACLE OF MADNESS, FORCED UPON THE AMERICAN WORKER. THEY WILL HAVE TO COMPETE WITH THOSE ALREADY HERE AND THOSE WHO SUDDENLY SWARM INTO AMERICA. All these destitute, unskilled people will need food, housing and welfare support to exist in our society.

The millions of illegal people here would pay small fine of $500.00 dollars, learn English and pass a criminal background check. The law suggested stripping police officers of their federally-sanctioned (287 g) powers that detains individuals for immigration and visa violations, according to The Chicago Tribune. Sen. Harry Reid, Pelosi, Napolitano, Schumer and others know that our only true deterrent E-Verify will be obsolete? This is just for those 20 to 30 million illegal aliens and families who live within this nation borders now. Even more millions will be waiting outside the borders, ready to make the rush for US soil, before the president signs the AMNESTY (CIR ASAP) document. THAT WILL BE THE HIGHEST PINNACLE OF MADNESS, FORCED UPON THE AMERICAN WORKER. THEY WILL HAVE TO COMPETE WITH THOSE ALREADY HERE AND THOSE WHO SUDDENLY SWARM INTO AMERICA. All these destitute, unskilled people will need food, housing and welfare support to exist in our society. Like most developed countries there is always a desperate need for the most highly skilled engineers and scientists, who carry authentic accreditation from real academic institutions. America can no longer take in the millions of semi-skilled workers using the 1-HB visa, that has been compromised by the many corporate gangsters to fill their own bank accounts. India especially is swamping us with undeniable less skillful labor, who will finally end up as public charges?