Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tiger Woods- Where Are All the Black Women People Ask

I guess I will talk about Tiger again. RED STICK RANT basically mirrors my view on all his points. See A Tiger By The Tale. I have also point out that sadly FOX NEWS is falling for this distraction too. We are votes away from a major Health Care Bill that will either save (in some people"s view) or bankrupt this country(my view) and its all about TIGER WOODS.

First let me say of course Tiger needless to say has a huge problem and he needs help. Of course this is all horrid and he had betrayed his family and caused hurt. Needless to say as a Opinionated Catholic blog I hate all this and feel for all of them.

Still other issues are coming into play.

Rant makes this point which is beginning to annoy me also.

I also think there is another, more subtle, reason for all of the attention on Tiger Woods' problems. Woods has eschewed racial politics, especially the Jessie Jackson/ Al Sharpton brand of racial identity/victim politics. He has refused to identify himself as black or African-American. And his wife is white. Woods has been a contradiction to the "America is still a racist nation" position of many black leaders and white liberals; and so his fall is, I think sadly, seen by them with some sense of payback.

Yeah that is play and we are seeing that topic being discussed more and more openly.

There is also the fact that it disturbs some people all these girls were "white". It seems in America we are destined to view all things through the prism of white versus black. Even immigration does not solve that problem.

It seems that in some ways Asians and Hispanics just become honorary whites (whatever white is) so we can continue with this comfortable Black versus White dynamic. This dynamic has been going on for some time. Just look at some of the early history of Italian and Eastern European immigration. Certain factions saw these folks as being different from "white" and a threat. Now they are "white" . As I have stated on this blog before I am not sure what even "white"means in many cases.

So we have this odd color wheel history of ours coming into play and both sides play it..

Here is the rub. It seems the usual displeasure at this is not coming from alone the loony KKK faction but also from some black voices in the media. They were sort of hinting at it but now it sort of is coming out in the open more. Tiger is having affairs with white leggy big breasted blonds because he insecure with this "black half".

What is missing in this is something common. OPPOSITES attract. Heterosexual love is at it basis opposite. You know the whole Men are from Mars women are from Venus thing. For a significant part of the population the more opposite the better.

I have to admit if went to school on the West Coast I am the type of guy that would have been smitten with ASIAN FEVER a lot. STUFF WHITE PEOPLE LIKE says

95% of white males have at one point in their lives, experienced yellow fever. Many factors have contributed to this phenomenon such as guilt from head taxes, internment camps, dropping the Nuclear bomb and the Viet Nam War . This exchange works both ways as asian girls have a tendency to go for white guys. (White girls never go for asian guys. Bruce Lee and Paul Kariya’s dad are the only recorded instances in modern history). Asian girls often to do this to get back at their strict traditional fathers. There is also the option of dating black guys, but they know deep down that this would give their non-english speaking grandmother(s) a heart attack.

White men love asian women so much that they will go to extremes such as stating that Sandra Oh is sexy, teaching English in Asia, playing in a coed volleyball league, or attending institutions such as UBC or UCLA (please note that both schools’ colors of “blue” and “yellow” are intentional also the “A” in “UCLA” stand for “Asian” while the “B” in “UBC” stands for “Billion” try and figure out what the rest of the letters stand for). Another factor that draws white guys to asian women is that white women are jealous of them.

Take for instance the fact that asian women well into their 30s and 40s retain teen / college girl looks without the help of botox, yoga or a trendy diet (future posts). Asian women also avoid key white women characteristics such as having a mid life crisis, divorce, and hobbies that don’t involve taking care of the children (also future posts). Should white guy / asian girl marry, they produce hybrids that are atheistically pleasing, but are very annoying. This practice is also a means by which white people can catch up to the asian peoples in the population race, as most of the hybrids often act white rather than asian.

Yeah that is me. Sounds like paradise and I have to admit I find Asian women appealing on so many levels. Just how I am wired.

Now of course that above post is intentionally overboard for humor sake and now we see more white girls marry Asian men( I think this is because they are getting taller- despite opposites attracting tall women are still not attracted to short guys SORRY SMALL MEN FOLKS) and black men with Asian women. Opposites attract!! Interracial marraige down here in the deep south between whites and blacks are on the rise because the taboo based on old laws is going away.

So the fact that Tiger is attracted to blond women it appears is natural in the whole scheme of things for a good bit of the population. He is not betraying his supposed "Race" whatever that is . He is not "insecure" He is not trying to distance himself from who he is. He is just being a human being. Political Ideology cannot betray biology.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rant,you are 100% correct about why the
popinjay Jackson-Sharpton-Farra-conman
clique HATE WOODS.Not only is he partial
to buxom blondes(like EVERY red-blooded
lad,including this classically handsome
black one!!!!),he steadfastly REFUSES to
play the black victim game and let the above mountebanks "define" him.These
self-styled "leaders" and their brain-dead
followers are in shock that Woods ignores
their sorry a**es.(To say nothing of those
fat,fugly,b***hy black broads who think they deserve a rich stud like Woods as a
boyfriend or husband.)Really,the only people interested in the racial aspect
of this situation are the toothless,Rush Limbaugh-Glenn Beck-Michael the Savage
Weiner KK krowd and the above black no-lifers and no-hopers.These clowns
are mirror images.