Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Major Fight In Catholic Blog Land- America Versus American Papist

Well this is interesting. See The Spirit of Father Coughlin? and Sorry Folks, But Anti-Semitism Warrants Outrage.

I guess American Papist shall respond today perhaps. I am not exactly prepared to blow off all of Winters concerns here. However I would be curious how much digging in to the story or if he did contact Robert George or Peters before deciding to use the nuclear option on them.

Yes anti-semitism is important to rebuke. But also one needs to be real careful of throwing that charge out. STAY TUNED


Mary Ellen said...

Wow...if there's one thing that makes me uncomfortable, it's the in-fighting between fellow Catholics.

And if there's one thing that brings me outrage, it's antisemitism. I have many Jewish friends who I respect so much and have never put me down for being a Catholic. I don't think there is room for hate or anger in any religion, period, because when there is, it devalues the entire message.

I'll be looking forward to see if The American Papist replies, but I hope it doesn't turn into an all out war.

James H said...

I am just getting on the computer today. I am going to be looking around to see if he has.

I think it is Robert Geroge who I expect is the most miffed