Monday, June 22, 2009

Stuff White Evangelicals Like

A funny sort of rip off on What White People Like. Again it paints with a broad brush(like the other site does ) but parts are pretty funny See Stuff Christian Culture Likes

An example of painting with a tad of a broad brush is found on the entry #82 Not Environmentalism.

Many white evangelical Christians care about the environment of course. They just often do it though in different ways. Like Ducks Unlimited which if truth be told probably does more to help the environment than many other green groups.

Tip of the Hat to Crunchy Con


oneal lane said...

As a White Evangelical I had to laugh at some of this because it was correct in observation. Having been in the church for more than 25years I have watched and decried much of what is going on in the modern evangelical church, the grip of "faddishness", obsession with "megachurch" and all things "Rick Warren" A lot of silliness. The commentary however is, by and large, off the mark and quite anti-christian and leftist culturally.

James H said...

Yeah I thought so too. It does not exactly pick up on all the nuances and differences with Wihite Evangelicals. But some of it was pretty funny like the Bono thing

oneal lane said...

I think I would have to include "Mike Huckabee for president" to the list.