Monday, September 8, 2008

Catholic Voice of Washington Post Attacks Governor Palin (She is a Slut!!) -Updated

Update- The Washington Post Faith blog is on a tear today See also Washington Post Religion Blog - Will Governor's Palin's Husband Be the Real VP

There is desperation my friends and there is desperation No doubt the new poll results for McCain / Palin have people in a rabid lather!!!

Anthony M. Stevens-Arroyo who pretty much is in the tank for Obama has a very sloppy article up and a sad one. No doubt he is appalled that Catholics like Palin. See A Catholic Take on Sarah Palin: Evangelical Saint?

Let me hit a few excepts:
In my experience, Evangelicals like to boast of an ex-Catholic who renounces our faith to become one of the "born again." The Alaska governor left the Church at age 12, so I do not believe the word "apostate Catholic" applies to her. Moreover, the Catholic faith is not diminished by her joining another church any more than we are proven to be the "one, true Church" because of the conversion to Catholicism of a former Protestant like Senator Sam Brownback. What I note here is that her ex-Catholic status may contribute to the favorable frenzy Palin's nomination generated from Evangelicals.

Really where is the evidence of that? I have not seen it. Also lets be clear Palin made a public profession of faith at age 12. Her parents had left the Church much earlier. This is the new politics of Hope and Change? A subtle US versus Them? This is nothing new. Many Catholics on the democrat side can't get why Catholics and Evangelicals have found common cause in the GOP and have been so successful. It goes beyond politics. We see that in the Home Schooling movements where Catholic and Evangelical homeschoolers share and support each other.

A more subtle reason is in the preference that Evangelicals place on repentance in contrast to how Catholics extol life-long purity. Thus, she is not criticized for having eloped rather than having a church wedding or for delivering her first child in an eyebrow-raising eight months later, according to some accounts. The acorn does not fall far from the tree, as they say, and it appears to me that Evangelicals emphasize repentance for sexual miscues over the Catholic ideal of always being pure. After all, Catholics sing of Mary, "O Sanctissima," which has scant echo in Evangelical hymnal books.
Why in Heavens name if she eloped decades ago even a topic? I have no clue what is he talking about. I swear it is like he is saying she is a slut!! In fact he does he that imply it here and now here ............

There is also the Evangelical fascination with sexual forbidden fruit that places the vamp alongside the virgin. I don't blame Woody Allen's picture, "Sleeper," for my indifference to beauty contests and the overdressed, mascara-laden, super deep made-up televangelists and former beauty queens. But somehow the idea that as governor she is "hot" recommends Palin to the Evangelical faithful. In contrast, we Catholics tend to put loose-fitting sacks called "school uniforms" on our young girls. Modesty prevails over flirtation.

Dear God. Ok there you have it. Governor Plain the SLUT. Goodness gracious. Oh by the way the Miss Mexico 2008 appeared at the Knights of Columbus Convention.!! She is a fan!!!
See Miss Mexico 2008 - I Love the Knights of Columbus!! . Is she a slut too Mr Washington Post? Her dad is Supreme KNight Director for Mexico, Javier Najera Cabrales. I would love you to talk about his daughter to his face. I suspect he would knock your block off

I still do not understand her airplane travel when 36 months pregnant. In the informal poll I conducted among the Catholic women in my life, not one said they would have gotten on an airplane when the baby was due at any time. Still less would they have taken an eight hour flight with a stopover in Seattle after the water broke. No matter what a doctor says (they are often wrong), the Catholic women I know all believe that the baby inside their womb is a human person deserving of every measure of protection for a safe delivery. Each of them would have turned down the invitation to give a political speech in a far off state. Not Sarah Palin: so permit me to say that her anti-abortion positions are different from the Catholic pro-life culture in which I live.
This has been refuted so many times it is incredible. Her baby was never in danger and the Child was a month early when she was now there. Good grief

Governor Palin follows the Evangelical path that substitutes private revelation for what we Catholics call the "natural law." It is one thing to say that reasonable people can agree on the need for an oil or gas pipeline, regardless of faith or the lack thereof. Quite different is the Evangelical certitude of Palin that "God wants a pipeline." In similar fashion, we Catholics have long ago reconciled the account in Genesis of the world's creation and climate change with modern science. It is not a typical of Catholics to insist on teaching creationism in public schools, or to deny human culpability for global warming, such as found among Evangelicals like Palin

First I doubt that this person has a good idea of what Governor Palin believes!! For instance how does not know that Governor Palin does not believe in Natural Law. In fact as a former Evangelical that whole first sentence he uses makes no senses to me

By the way he has no excuse. Governor Palin does not insist that creationism be taught in schools and that has been widely reported

The last paragraph and its various false hoods have been refuted here

As that blogger pointed out and has been reported all over the place:

yes, she apparently believes in some variant of Intelligent Design
no, she didn’t try to force the schools to teach it; she said if someone brought it up, it was an appropriate subject for debate

Further as has been reported:
No, she’s not a “global warming denier”, and when the crush dies down remind me to explain why the very phrasing “global warming denier” is anti-scientific, anti-intellectual, and a clear sign of a desire to impose your beliefs by coercion. But in the mean time, while I do believe that she has expressed some skepticism that warming is wholly human-caused, the existence of the Alaska Climate Change Sub-Cabinet and the Alaska Climate Change Strategy work demonstrate that she’s considering the problem and has brought together people more expert than she to advise her.

What a sad little man. How does this trash get writtenin the FRACKIN Washington Post. This man represents hardly no Catholic viewpoint I know of.


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