Monday, April 21, 2008

I bet the Texans are Even More Full of Themselves Today

Anyway to the land and its people where every thing is bigger(hot air,) and better(Sadly not Football :) ). Happy Independence Day!!!


Pro Ecclesia said...

Actually, March 2 is Texas Independence Day (the day the Texas Declaration of Independence was ratified). April 21 is San Jacinto Day (sort of like Texas' version of Yorktown, only it took the Texians 1-and-a-half months rather than 5 years to win their independence).

But yes, we Texans (I say "we" because I spent the first 25 years of my life in Texas) are generally more full of ourselves than usual on a day like today.

And whenever the Cowboys are in the Super Bowl (a record 8 appearances and tied for the most wins with 5). I'm sure the Aints will get there some day.


Anonymous said...

Amen Jay.

I can't seem to recall how many times the Saints won the Super Bowl.

I was born and raised in Texas, and moved to north Louisiana a little under two years ago. I believe it was because God wanted some common-sense Texans to turn the minds of the backwards-thinking coonies.

Anonymous said...
